End of the Year Schoolwork Organization

School is out, and your children couldn't be happier! But if you are like most parents, you are currently drowning in a mound of educational clutter that signifies the end of another school year. It's hard enough to motivate your children to get ready for school in the fall, much less encourage them to weed through those paper piles! Here's how to do it:

Toy Storage Organizer

1) Schedule a time with your child - Pick a day that is close to the end of the school year, before your student disappears into the hazy days of summer. The key is that you work together with your child (instead of doing it for him or her!) so that organizational skills are learned. Offer a reward for completing the project, such as a special lunch or movie outing.

Toy Storage Organizer

2) Sort papers into piles by subject - Have your child gather up all paperwork from his or her binders, folders, bedroom, backpack, etc. and designate a spot for each subject. Work at a table, or on the floor, whatever is more conducive. Designate a "recycling" pile for papers that are no longer needed.

3) Look for the diamonds in the rough - Most homework assignments and notes are disposable after the school year is over. Your child should look for the treasured moments from the school year, such as:

* A good grade on a test that the subject matter was particularly challenging to master
* Program from the school play that your child starred in
* A favorite essay from English class, with complimentary notes from the teacher written in the margins

4) Keep the best and recycle the rest - Choose the top memories and place them in a clear poly envelope, acid-free files or folders (to preserve the papers properly). Make sure to remove tape, paperclips, and rubber bands before storing materials away in a dark area for protection. Avoid placing paper memorabilia in an area with wide fluctuations in temperature and humidity - attics, basements, and garages are no-nos!

5) A picture captures the memory and saves space - For large school items (artwork, dioramas, science fair projects, etc), take a photograph of the project while it is still in pristine condition, and store the photos with the other school treasures from the year.

6) Create a memory box - Beginning in kindergarten, give each child one banker's box for all school memories. At the end of each school year, your child places favorite schoolwork and other memorabilia into the box. The box has to last through senior year, so if it fills too quickly, review the contents and do a bit more weeding.

7) Review and renew supplies - Put away school supplies, such as scissors, pencils, and markers. Start a school supply shopping list for the fall by recording any items that have been depleted or destroyed. Post the list on the refrigerator and add to it as needed throughout the summer.

End of the Year Schoolwork Organization
Toy Storage Organizer

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